
Collection of posts on the topic `notes`

2021-09-27 ○ last updated: 2024-12-11

Dream journal

2021-10-03 ○ last updated: 2023-05-25 ○ topics: notes, dreams, personal, liminality, subconscious

A log of my more memorable dreams in reverse-chronological order

A collection of kōans

2022-04-17 ○ last updated: 2022-04-17 ○ topics: notes, zen, buddhism

Kōans that I find thought-provoking

A collection of bathroom epigraphs

2022-07-25 ○ last updated: 2022-08-22 ○ topics: notes

The words of prophets are written on bathroom walls

Content consumption queue

2021-10-04 ○ last updated: 2023-10-10 ○ topics: notes

A note to keep track of what I should read/watch/listen to next

Sapolosky, Robert; Human Behavioral Biology

2022-04-16 ○ last updated: 2022-04-16 ○ topics: notes, lectures, biology, evolution

Notes on Robert Sapolosky's lecture series on human behavioral biology

Suzuki, Shunryū; Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (1970)

2023-01-26 ○ last updated: 2023-01-26 ○ topics: notes, lectures, zen, buddhism, mindfulness

Notes on Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryū Suzuki

Nhat Hahn, Thich; The Miracle of Mindfulness

2022-04-07 ○ last updated: 2022-04-07 ○ topics: notes, buddhism, thich nhat hahn, mindfulness, religion

Notes on The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hahn

Vonnegut Jr., Kurt; Cat's Cradle (1963)

2023-01-31 ○ last updated: 2023-01-31 ○ topics: notes, kurt vonnegut, science fiction, irony, science, religion

Notes on Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Vonnegut Jr., Kurt; Slaughterhouse-Five (1969)

2022-08-04 ○ last updated: 2022-08-04 ○ topics: notes, kurt vonnegut, slaughterhouse-five, war, world war ii, time, science fiction, irony

Notes on Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Vonnegut Jr., Kurt; The Sirens of Titan (1959)

2023-02-04 ○ last updated: 2023-02-04 ○ topics: notes, kurt vonnegut, science fiction, purpose

Notes on The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Kafka, Franz; The Trial (1915)

2021-10-01 ○ last updated: 2022-04-17 ○ topics: notes, the trial, kafka, franz, philosophy, absurdism

Notes on The Trial by Franz Kafka, translated by Breon Mitchell

Carroll, Lewis; Alice in Wonderland (1865)

2022-04-18 ○ last updated: 2022-05-02 ○ topics: notes, lewis carroll, alice in wonderland, fantasy

Notes on Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Kafka, Franz; Investigations of a Dog (1922)

2022-08-22 ○ last updated: 2022-08-22 ○ topics: notes, investigations of a dog, kafka, franz, philosophy, absurdism

Notes on Investigations of a Dog by Franz Kafka