the new Spring rose

As such is Love, as such is Life

2024-02-14 ○ last updated: 2024-02-14 ○ topics: writing, poetry, love

In fear and frost, a feeling seldom lies,
for snows of sorrow froze the starry night.
Through rigid mind rings out a frigid cry;
none bears nor is begot in Winter’s blight.

But shimm’ring spark of Nature’s blessed eye!
breaks through the bitter winds of Winter’s hold,
and fast alights a thing once been decried;
is this of what Time’s muses had foretold?

A measure and a mind does this defy,
and smells as sweet by any mortal stele.
As the new Spring rose, the old Death had died,
and the one act left is for one to feel.

            Though Winter will return sure as the tide,
            as such is Love, and such is Life besides.