Dream journal

A log of my more memorable dreams in reverse-chronological order

2021-10-03 ○ last updated: 2023-05-25 ○ topics: notes, dreams, personal, liminality, subconscious


mom dying; jesse villain


dream about something like sneaking into someones backyard and house as a shortcut and the neighbor called us out but we knew the girl who lived next door, they were a korean family and someone was tutoring the boy for 30 thousand dollars, went back to old childhood house, i forgot what happened there but dad was there, at the end of the dream i got into the car and he was threatening to hit me, had his hands at my face and i could feel that feeling in the back of your neck when you’re about to be hit i started crying korean family came over but pretended like everything is ok, but wanted them to help


horrifying dream/nightmare where i thought that i was having a dinner w a professor and other people but it started being creepy and there was someone (guy) who was trying to kill me and there was a dinner with a lot of meat and there were some things like a boat ride and then we fell on the boat into a tunnel and i fell off

somehow ended in what was supposed to be my moms house but it looked different, and there was a guy outside who was circling around trying to get in

went back to other house somehow and it turns out that they were killing and eating people and the feast with meat was human meat

something about it being labeled as an “experience” but it was actually all an act? but couldn’t tell when in it?


dream about birds and cats and dogs being in a cage and in a metal fence-like hut, it was outside “my apartment” in brooklyn but it looked all different, claire was there, i held the birds (lovebirds) and cat and dogs (black) and took them inside my apartment but i thought that i couldn’t take care of them because too expensive, so i put them back claire took us to her AARC and it was huge, 2 stories, and the couch was SO comfortable it was soft and corduroy and blue and curved in a slight U shape and it was huge then the dream changed to childhood home somehow, dad was there and I saw his face, very clearly he was redecorating the backyard with weird looking trees, I had to climb through a window? something about being named “Sung”


dream that i was upstairs in mom’s room in childhood house and dad man was outside trying to get in and yelling at me to find the three effects and there was someone else in the room and I had to hide him somehow and also lock the door and hold it closed


dream that sam and ahran were trying to take me to church on Saturday and we had to take the path to get to 31st street, but it was a weird overground train that didnt run on tracks, we had to go over the bridge to get into the city and it seemed really dangerous because there weren’t any tracks, then a huge gust of wind started blowing and it started to blow us off the bridge, so we had to stop until it went away, we stopped at a station type thing that had a cafeteria and everything and i went inside the cafeteria to get food and they had this DELICIOUS salmon and asparagus and mashed potatoes that tasted so good and they also had an orchestra playing in the cafeteria, after i got food i went outside and there was a person with a weird pet that had a mans face but a snake’s body, it was shaped like a cobra but the top part with the mans face was super big/triangular, then i looked up and on top of a building was a huge golden one of those animals (like the Sphinx almost)


dream in a dream: i was walking in a bright, almost neon green field, everything was so vivid, i was happy because i realized i could tell jacqui my dream, but then i started to get scared because it felt TOO real and i was worried that i would get stuck, so i woke myself up INTO ANOTHER DREAM where i told jacqui my first dream, but it wasnt real


dream about going on a ski trip with a crew of people, when we got back to town the dream changed and something about a locker room with rules where you had to put on the correct sized sports bra or else the locker room lady would get mad at you, i didnt so she kicked me out and said that i was going to jail, then the sunset looked pretty nice and soft but then all of a sudden it turned really creepy like some filter was put on it (dark outlines on the clouds and contours) and then these v shaped ships started coming down from the sky and penetrated through this bubble/membrane type dome in the sky, i turned around and started running, i looked back and saw the aliens setting people on fire, then i ran and realized i was probably going to die so i found the best hiding spot i could, under a little wooden outcrop, and it was snowing so i buried myself in the snow, but the snow wasn’t covering my legs enough but the aliens were coming so i just closed my eyes and waited and eventually they passed, then i got out and ran and met these military people from Mexico or something and they had these blow darts that could hit one person and with some trigger from the blower affect everyone in a radius around them and they showed it to me by blow darting 2 groups of people and setting them on fire when they were asleep, then i went to a safehouse type thing where some of the ski crew were and we asked one of the members if they were really eleven from stranger things and i woke up


dream flew to san francisco and went biking and out of the park there was this super steep hill and by the end it was almost vertical and there were 3 bikers behind me (2 guys 1 girl) who made it up w their bikes and i was hanging vertically on the street and finally made it up and they told me not to take a shower here bc the showers are gross and the second guy told me i looked extremely beautiful then i checked google maps and i was really far from where i wanted to be (looked like prospect park on gmaps, but i was way south) and i saw this golden lighted village to my right (north east) and i went there and rode up some stairs and an asian couple said that they didnt know what they were doing here and i woke up


dream about mom and Kanye west and building with old Korean lady giving massage and something rly scary was happening and the same woman/man were appearing everywhere and I had to run away


dream about climbing table rock and having been there before and streets were flooding and crying after shower with dad and subway sandwiches with white guy


dream where A was in it and he was walking w his friend talking Abt hs classes and I followed them and somehow we all stopped and his friend started glowing light and I started vibrating really really fast and I turned to A to ask if he saw his friend glowing and he said no continuation of dream, driving in the mountains and it was nighttime and saw this guy w dog attached to his chest w a leash, and something about mapping some human emotions to a topology and the results corresponding w some skeleton (hip bone) of ancient ppl I had in the backseat of my car, and someone else was in my car, and he said good job look what you’ve done w ur potential, and I said we are our potential, and he said yes… that’s what they want me to say and lunged at me (right lower abdomen)


dream about visiting new York and going to grand central station and forgot my luggage at the main terminal but there was this rollercoaster that I went on without realizing (everything was really dark) and arcade and coldstone


dream about vacation on a place along the coast and there was a temple slash house thing with lots of pictures on the wall and the first floor was like a dojo or something and A met me there but then my mom and sister came and then he disappeared and then switched to this other place with a house and mom said she wasnt going to support me anymore and was going to take the money from my account so I asked Jamie if she could hold my money in her account and then she started spending it


Dream about being choked by this asian guy trying to make me like him and then being in this class where the guy is a killer and is slowly killing each of the classmates and we have to figure out who is the real killer but all I could do was watch and it was kind of like a video game bc he went on this killing spree (as a panda) and got shot and turned into a ghost


dream about trip with Derry and Claire generous and other people and Kukie was there and they were going to go to a mountain and I needed to look after Kukie and i was scratching her face and she smiled at me something about a timed test in red ink and a lot of fruit from the harvest and minji was there and I had a flight but everyone left without me and I talked to Brandon on the phone and I rode this taxi to the airport and something about McDonald’s then somehow I ended up at doordash and two people played this game with a ball like kick ball and there was a whiteboard named Doug and li asked me about my manifesto


something beautiful like a garden with a thousand colors


dream about being at old house and left in car and windy dark road and had to stop by ralphs but everything was tilted and was swinging by a rope and was going to fall


dream about driving on the freeway and blue glassy city and rolling earthquakes that keep getting stronger and the freeway fell thru then woke up it was like the ground was an ocean


dream with eliz and Claire and A was there? monkeys and dogs doing crazy stuff on the street, monkeys riding brooms and dogs driving cars


dream at the beach and I overheard this guy saying “we only have 8 minutes left” and I looked at the setting sun and it was disappearing like a solar eclipse and I realized the sun was dying and lol I was with some random dude and I was like fuck kiss me


dream about dad, but this time he was an enemy of the state, relaying political info to someone else, and i wanted to go see him but some government apparatus said no, look at all the evidence (police always around him, other stuff i forgot) like does he do this? does this happen around him? and i was screaming and crying saying that i didnt care, he’s my dad, i want to see him, and then i woke up


dream about getting into a spaceship and going inside an atom and inside the atom was another universe In the beginning, I was at what appeared to be a space station of sorts. Shuttles ebbed and flowed from the terminal, but I didn’t know where they were coming from, or where they were heading. A shuttle stopped in front of me, and I had the inexplicable urge to board it. The shuttle’s interior looked like an airplane’s, and I took a window seat. As soon as I sat down, the shuttle took off. It shrunk down to less than the size of an atom. The next thing I knew, it entered one of my own cells. I looked outside, and I saw that there was a whole universe inside of this cell. Tiny planets and stars littered the vast emptiness, and a double helix threaded the dark space together.


dream about death game with cards


in my dream we were moving back to school but like the dorms were in tents outside like sorta like the farmers markets tents but there were beds where the stalls would be and i was going back to school and i was gonna meet up w u and pick out our rooms together but when i got to school you were already there and u got a bed right next to nicole i got so sad that i went to the village except it wasnt the village and i rented a violin from the music shop and it was free but also i wasnt wearing a mask so i got paranoid about having corona


dream about giant squirrels and gabe was gonna take molly and we were in school


1 gabe made fun of my fat chin 2 it was like i was in school but it was in a place surrounded by water and the only way out was through boats and kayaks in like small tunnels and for some reason we all had to evacuate and rush to the tunnels and someone in front of me was carrying yamashita who was about to die it was rly high pressure but it ended right after i got in the kayak 3 We were at college and in a room for some reason our beds were like right next to each other But Nicole came to visit And she got in ur bed and u weren’t wearing a shirt And I think it was ur 21st birthday Bc she got u alcohol And u drank w her while I was in this weird ass violin class That Kristine was leading


I had a weird dream today where I was like in a league of legends game But the enemy were all cats And they were like driving carts of cut melons And I was LOSING TO THEM I was FB chatting w u in my dream too


i had a dream about playing the violin and i couldnt read some of the notes fast enoguh and i was sad


i just remembered my dream last night or part of it it involved this fucking creepy ass crab with human eyes and so many arms and claws it was so disgusting omg


dream about red black trees


With Dad man tied to train tracks got run over by a truck There were lots of subway trains and when I got off of the train I sat in some water and waited for Dad Dad sacrificed himself for me (don’t know how) and he got put into the hospital Dystopian hospital with cult of doctors and they tried to keep us from the room but one female doctor gave us hints and told us where to go and the room he was in was super creepy and guarded by 2 girls with pink hair but we got past them by holding the hands of 2 purple haired mannequins which put them in a trance Then he was laying in a bed with a weird creepy mask over his face and 2 bugs were crawling over his bed and I took the mask off and cried a lot and then woke up


It was so scary You changed into this mean person And we were in this like parking lot thing And I was trying to drive out but you were in this other car And you were like blocking the exit And I drove out this other way and you were like chasing me in your car And I thought you were gonna kill me or something For some reason And like idk just that like feeling of being chased I was like in that state where I was half awake and half not so I could feel myself like sweating and breathing really hard But like I was still dreaming


I was driving up crenshaw to meet you when everything started looking really creepy And this image of a woman appeared in front of me And I freaked out and closed my eyes And when I arrived everyone was drinking at allycias house but I was crying bc I was scared And we fought


Omg I had the weirdest dreams though I had like 5 different dreams One it was like a weird outside mall looking thing except it had colleges in them and you would go and take interviews in them And I went to princetons and UCLAs and I made like a PowerPoint thing but they hated me And I saw them afterwards and someone added weird messages at the end of my power points Like duck duck egg And some offensive things I don’t remember LOL

And then the next dream I went to your house But it wasn’t your house But like you lived there Omg no it was a bad dream You weren’t there but I went in And then i saw my sister there And I got really mad and asked her how she got in And she wouldn’t tell me and I got sooooo mad And then somehow Ashley hong was there or something And she knew how but she wouldn’t tell me And I got super mad at her too But then she showed me that she went over the door BC the top of the door like flipped open And then it was chill But then your door started decaying And I freaked out And I tried to fix it by removing the door But nothing worked and it got worse And I tried to call someone to come fix it But I think you came back and said it was ok and fixed it I don’t really remember

But then the next dream was like at the same house but it wasn’t yours this time My mom bought tickets to go to Hawaii But the plane was leaving really soon And I didn’t have anything packed and I wasn’t home So we left to Hawaii with like no luggage And I was really mad Then we went to the hotel And I could hear ppl having sex in the next room Which was weird Then I don’t remember how it ended

Okay okay but the next dream I was like going to the backyard thing And then I saw these huge gerbils Or hamsters And like they were standing on two legs And talking And I was like wtf And I followed them And like there were peacocks there And I don’t really remember this very well But there was like a magical garden type thing And like a woman with red hair And she was like the last of her kind or something or idk There were just like 2 sides that were fighting Okay I don’t remember this one very well LOL

Then the last one We were in tootell S classroom And we got these sticks or something with like questions or something idk And I got slaves And then I was like talking about how like America depended on slave labor and stuff And then you and Raam were like omg you don’t know what you’re talking about nd then I was like ☹ And then there was a huge spider on the ceiling Like the hugest spider ever And someone tried to kill it And then I woke up


jk i had a weirdish dream it was about pictures of space like in school idk how to describe


Oh I had another dream about you Except I think I only heard your voice on the phone I was walking to your house but the path was so long and there was a dog And it almost ran off the cliff but turns out it was a hill




I dont really remember clearly but it wtarted with going to school and i went to ridgecrest and went into a social studies class with a strange teacher and then after that class was donne i went back home but then there were these two really weird guys and they told mme to go to find a doorknob and so we went to a really weird doorknob store thhat also sold super cheap clothes and thats all i reemember but i knowtheres more


we were at these hotels and then i went down to swim but then i had to go back up because i didnt bring a shirt LOL then we went on the freeway and we saw a strawberry like… seller cart thing then we went there but they didnt sell strawberries they did something with clothes so caroline was in the dream too and her and i had these like tutu- like blue skirts and we went up there and they changed them into like pencil mini skirts and then we sat down and there was this guy up there that didnt really speak english and he was mexican and everyone started singing to him it was so weird LOL


Yeah I had a really weird dream but I don’t remember it well I know that we were vid chattig but you were on another planet And there were squirrels


omg i had this really weird dream i got into a bus it was like a luxury bus and then we got to this like mansion thing then we entered then we went down this ramp thing and it was all dark and spooky and there was this boy behind me and a girl inf ront of me and i had to choose who to make a zombie and i chose the boy and then he got bit and he turned into a zombie riding like a giant pig then the ramp path led to a dark room not a room like an area with a river and a bridge and it was really dark like pirates of the carribean dark then the boy i turnedinto a zombie was like “since you turned me into a zombie you have to become one” and there was this ritual like you had to go on the bridge and jump twice then he had to jump off it so i did and i became a zombie and i woke up it was weird there was more to it but i forgot


so it started when i was walking home but it was at my old house and then you were there other people too but i forgot then we walked past my house and saw a light and we walked there then you disappeared and it turned out to be a debate tournament and i went in rounds and stuff and then i went out and i saw moon there and i talked to him and he gave me cheetos but then it turned to morning and i took a bus back to the hotel and you were on the bus with a whole bunch of other people it was like a big yellow school bus sort of thing OH dude your mom was there too and then we got off the bus and it dropped us off at a really nice beach then we went on this walkway thing that was made out of tiles of glass and it was terrifying and you walked on it but then you fell through a hole in the bridge and crashed into the ocean and i ran down to make sure you were ok and you were and you were suddenly wearing sunglasses LOL and then we walked along the beach and that was nice but then suddenly you had to go cuz you were gonna get in trouble so i went in the waves then i woke up but then i had another dream cuz i fell back to sleep so it was my birthday and what i was gonna do is take spaceshuttle things into space so we were at school and i bicycled up these space shuttle things and caroline, minji, david and elizabeth got into mine and elizabeth had pie and yeah i forgot the rest but it was cool i didnt go to space though


Yeah… it was sad I cried in the dream i think But did i tell you that you were there? And you didnt die Then we went outside and it was raining a lot and yeah

Idk we had this weird fitness testing and we needed to get our binders and when we came back mr. smith was in a rainbow suit saying you are NOT late


OMG I had this dream That a lot of people died Other people too but I forgot who It was so scary Minji died It was some sort of breathing disease And they died in this room On the floor It was empty And everyone crowded around them And they died And Minji had this dying wish Forgot what it was though Then we went outside And it was raining And I got picked up by this weird Korean lady